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9 Foods To Increase Red Blood Cells – Know The Symptoms Of Low RBC And Heal Yourself!

Do you experience a weakness all the time or do you sometimes feel a slight dizziness whenever you stand up quickly or change your position quickly? If yes, you could be suffering from a low RBC count but relax! Here is the list of best foods to increase red blood cells in your body.

foods to increase red blood cells

Do you go for a frequent check up every once in a while? A busy life where you strive hard to meet your deadlines and accomplish your daily tasks may bring a lot many changes inside your body

So the best measure you can take is getting your health checkups done very frequently because can you really comprehend what is happening inside your body without getting your medical reports?

Table Of Contents

What Is A CBC And Why You Must Go For It?

I never knew the importance of CBC until I observed the appearance of tiny red dots on my arms which made me go for a CBC (complete blood count) that gives us the picture perfect details of the blood cell count (erythrocytes, leucocytes, and thrombocytes) in our body.

I was totally relieved after the CBC reports revealed that my blood count was perfectly fine and the dots eventually faded. But the fear of getting attacked with some conditions like anemia, leukaemia and blood infections remained intact which makes me go for a CBC twice in a year.

Does your CBC show Low RBC Count?

With the increasing cases of a low red blood cell count, (anemia), there is every need for you to get a CBC done so that you save yourself from some serious symptoms. If you have already been diagnosed with a low red blood cell count, do not worry! There are a lot many sources of foods to increase red blood cells count within your body.

But before getting into the details of how to increase red blood cells(1), let us gain a clear understanding of the symptoms of low red blood cells (the disorder which is termed as anemia).

You can check yourself with the following symptoms that are caused due to a low red blood cell count which is usually referred to as Anemia.

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Symptoms Of Low Red Blood Cells

  • Irregular heartbeats
  • General weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Pale skin color
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Experiencing a twirling sensation as soon as you change your position
  • A rapid heartbeat after exercising
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Getting tired very easily
  • Headaches
  • Cold hand and feet
  • Numbness or tingling sensation in the hands and feet

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What Causes Low Red Blood Cell Count?

The most common cause of a low red blood cell count is the deficiency of iron in the body and the condition is termed as anemia. Anemia (2) can be cured by increasing the intake of iron-rich foods in your diet.
A Quick Science Question

Which Important Mineral Does the Haemoglobin Present in RBC Contain?

It is a fundamental knowledge to know that hemoglobin is present in the RBC but no many of us know that hemoglobin carries an important mineral called “Iron”.
In fact, the name hemoglobin has been derived from the term “heme” which means an iron-containing group because of which hemoglobin is able to carry the oxygen from red blood cells to various tissues of our body.
So, the deficiency of Anemia is what causes low blood cell count but there are other factors which result in this condition.

Other Common Low Red Blood Cell Count Causes Include
  • Loss of blood
  • Blood cancer (leukaemia)
  • Poisoning of blood due to lead
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Ulcers
  • Donating blood too many times
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Swollen blood vessels
  • Chemotherapy
  • HIV medication

If you are aiming to get rid of the low blood cell count, It is a much better option to find out the low RBC causes and take the appropriate medication apart from including your diet with the foods to increase red blood cells.

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How To Increase Red Blood Cells?

Increasing red blood cells is simple if you really step up to make some major changes in your eating habits and maintain an integrity to follow some lifestyle changes and by saying lifestyle changes, I mean three major steps

  1. Taking appropriate foods to increase red blood cells
  2. Cutting down on certain foods that can cause a low red blood cell count and
  3. Involving yourself in a physical activity (not all exercises increase the red blood cells)

The List Of Foods To Increase Red Blood Cells

Trust me when I say that you need not put in much efforts to fight your low red blood cell count!
Jot down a perfect list of foods to increase red blood cells and make a plan to cook some tasty, delicious recipes that involve the ingredients from this list and there is no best source other than foods to increase red blood cells count.

1. All Green Leafy Vegetables

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Doesn’t it sound so simple to include one variety of leafy greens in your diet to obtain the required amount of iron every day? Because there are a large number of leafy greens that are available for you and you can choose to cook one new variety at any time of the day.

Here is the list of all leafy greens and the amount of iron present in each variety

Iron in Leafy greens per 100 grams
  • kale – 3 mg
  • Spinach – 3.57 mg to 1.19
  • mustard greens – 1.64 mg to 0.87
  • Collard greens – 18 milligrams
  • Swiss chard – 1.7 milligrams
  • Arugula – 1.46 mg
  • Lettuce – 0.41 mg to 0.41 mg
  • Broccoli – 2.14 mg to 0.56 mg

Apart from these, microgreens and romaine are also good sources of Iron.

2. Why Lentils And Beans Are The Best Foods To Increase Red Blood Cells?

Lentils And Beans

If you are a vegetarian, I can guarantee you that there is no better substitute for meat other than lentils and beans as these are the richest source of proteins. These are also considered as the best foods for weight loss as they contain zero cholesterol and they are completely devoid of fat.

There are other meat sources that are rich in Iron, but if you not a meat eater, you can a cup of freshly cooked lentils and beans in your diet to obtain required amounts of Iron.

Apart from these, lentils are also high in antioxidants which makes them the best foods for strengthening the immune system.

  • 1 cup of freshly cooked lentils contain – 3.0 mg of Iron
  • 1 cup of freshly cooked kidney beans contain – 3.1 mg of Iron
3. Tofu

Tofu is one delicious ingredient made by coagulating and condensing the soy milk and it contains 2.96 grams of Iron per every 100 grams. Apart from Iron, Tofu is also enriched with Selenium, manganese, Magnesium, Zinc, carbs, phosphorous, copper and proteins which makes it the best ingredient of the vegetarian cooking.

You can use Tofu in
  • Smoothies and desserts
  • Creamy sauces
  • Sandwiches
  • Soups and salads
  • Pizzas or

You can substitute meat with Tofu

4. How To Increase Red Blood Cells With Multi-Grain Bread?

How To Increase Red Blood Cells With Multi-Grain Bread
The best way to obtain iron on a regular basis is to include multi-grain bread in your breakfast as this is the best time to consume protein because you must give your digestive system enough time to absorb the proteins from the multigrain.
100 grams of multigrain contain 2.5 mg iron which makes them one of the best foods to increase red blood cells.
Multigrain bread also contains other important minerals and vitamins such as folic acid, manganese, folic acid, selenium, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, copper, phosphorous and vitamin B6. Multigrain bread is also rich in fiber which is why they help in an easy digestion.

5. Eggs

Including one completely boiled egg in your breakfast gives you 1.2 mg of iron for 100 grams. If you are looking for the best foods to increase red blood cells, you can include eggs in your daily diet.
The yolk of the egg is considered to be much healthy when compared to the egg white, but egg white also contains proteins, sodium, and calories.

Meat Sources Of Iron

You can consider yourself lucky enough if you are a meat eater because there are various sources of meat that are rich in iron. You can include meat in your diet twice or thrice in a week to obtain Iron. Here are the best meat sources of Iron

6. Oysters


The next time you plan of eating seafood, you can consider eating oysters because oysters are the best of all the seafood as they are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin b6, Vitamin b12, vitamin A, vitamin D, magnesium and calcium.

Consuming oysters will help in boosting your immunity, improves your eye vision, protects your heart health, helps in anti-ageing and strengthens your bones.

100 grams of oysters contain 7 mg of iron which makes them a good source of foods to increase red blood cells.

7. Turkey


Turkey may not be the best source of iron but they contain iron in trace amounts (1.1 mg of Iron per 100 grams).

Turkey is usually considered the best food for weight loss as they do not contain any fat and are the richest source of proteins. Turkey contains a compound called tryptophan which can improve the mood instantly and prevents insomnia.

Turkey also contains Vitamin b6, phosphorous, zinc, potassium and selenium which makes it the most nutritious seafood of all.

8. Chicken Breast

Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is considered as the best source of food for the people who are aiming to build their bodies because chicken breast is the richest source of protein and is also low in calories and cholesterol.

Consuming chicken breast on a regular basis also helps you to stay away from various skin problems and eye disorders. Chicken breast contains 1.1 mg of iron per 100 grams which is why consuming them helps in fighting the low red blood cell count.

9. Lean Beef

Lean Beef

If you wish to stay away from some dreadful diseases like heart-related disorders and cancer, you can include lean beef in your daily diet as this contains anti-cancerous properties and less amount of saturated fats. Consuming lean beef helps in strengthening your bone health and dental health.

100 grams of lean beef contains 2.6 mg of Iron and apart from this, lean beef contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and calcium.

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Exercise and Lifestyle Changes

If you are looking for all the possible ways to increase your RBC count, you need to realize that there are two main factors other than the food sources, that impact your erythrocyte count and here is how you can make the best out them.

How To Increase Red Blood Cells With Exercise?

How To Increase Red Blood Cells With Exercise

Studies have shown that regular exercise can increase the low blood cell count, but you must be careful while choosing the type of exercise because not all exercises give rise to the same result. A vigorous exercise may also result in the destruction of the red blood cells

Jogging and swimming are the best exercises that help to increase the red blood cell count. You can also include aerobic exercise as this can give you a deep sense of relaxation and enhance your mood.

Lifestyle Changes

Quit Smoking and alcohol – There have been many studies that have shown the effect of alcohol and cigarettes on the blood cells. The nicotine content present in cigarettes is majorly responsible for the destruction of red blood cells.

Your bone marrow fails to produce the required amount of RBC if you consume alcohol and for the people suffering from Anemia, the condition may worsen.

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Supplements To Increase Red Blood Cells

In order to fight the low blood cell count, relying on foods that are rich in iron would alone not help. You must also include certain supplements to increase red blood cells(3) because your body may or may not have the capacity to absorb the iron that is produced in your body.
Here Are Some Best Supplements To Increase The Red Blood Cell Count In Our Body.

Foods Rich In Vitamin A

Foods Rich In Vitamin A

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Carrots
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Milk
  • Tomatoes
  • Liver
  • Cantaloupes
  • Apricots
  • Broccoli
How to Get Sufficient Vitamin A?

The best way to fill your plate with adequate amounts of vitamin A is to include salads in your daily diet. Make sure that you include a handful of sliced carrots and tomatoes as a part of your breakfast diet.

Also, try drinking milk once or twice in a day to meet your daily vitamin A requirements.

Food Rich In Folic Acid

Food Rich In Folic Acid

  • Leafy Greens
  • Citrus fruits
  • Celery
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Avocados
  • Lentils and beans
  • Asparagus
  • Soybeans
  • Corn
  • Fortified cereal
How to Get sufficient Folic Acid?

Eggs are an excellent source of folic acid. Consuming one to two boiled eggs per day can provide your body with good amounts of folate. Ensure that you do not consume undercooked eggs to prevent the attack of various diseases.

Try including more leafy greens (one variety each day without fail) and one variety of citrus fruit each day to get sufficient folate.

Foods Rich In Copper

Foods Rich In Copper

  • Kale
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dry fruits
  • Sun-dried tomatoes
  • Clams
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Spirulina
  • Dark chocolate
How to Get Sufficient Copper?

Clams make a good choice for obtaining copper but if you are not a meat eater, you can include a handful of nuts and seeds in your regular diet and consume dark chocolate at least twice a week. Consuming a handful of dry fruits is also the easiest way to gain descent amounts of copper.

Foods Rich In Vitamin B12

Foods Rich In Vitamin B12

  • Eggs
  • Yeast
  • Cereals
  • Mushrooms
  • Beef
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
How to Get Sufficient Vitamin B12?

If you love eating fish, there are a wide range of fish from which you can choose the best variety. Sardines, tuna, beef and trout are a great source of vitamin b12, but if you are a vegan, fortified cereals are the best foods to opt for obtaining vitamin b12.

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Bottom Line

Suffering from a low blood cell count is not a reason to worry if you try to take the necessary precautions by increasing the foods that are rich in RBC and including a physical activity that is suitable for your healthy metabolism. Try to make some changes in your lifestyle and wait to see the best result.

Know the appropriate reason for all the above mentioned low red blood cell causes and follow a plan to increase your RBC count.