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Causes of Bad Breath and How to Get Rid of Bad Breath?

Bad breath is an unpleasant smell coming from your mouth. With this article, you’ll be clear about the remedies for bad breath and the causes of bad breath and also you’ll know how to get rid of bad breath at home.

What is Bad Breath?

It is the building up of the bacteria in your mouth, which will produce bad odors from your mouth and also lead to inflammation. It is also called as halitosis and can easily be diagnosed and let’s discuss on how to get rid of bad breath in natural ways.

Causes of Bad Breath and How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

What are the causes of bad breath?

Let us briefly discuss the causes of bad breath here now, there are many causes of bad breath, it is also called as halitosis. They’re listed in here;

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Food intake

The food intake, if the food gets stuck in between your teeth, then it will be one main cause of bad breath. It will help in the development of bacteria and produce a foul odor. So it is always advised to wash your mouth after you eat food and also you can use mouth washing agents like Listerine for better cleansing of mouth.

No Dental Hygiene

This is one main cause of the bad breath because if you don’t take care of your mouth, it will help in the development of bacteria. This bacterium will help in producing the foul smell, which is worse. So it is advised to brush your teeth twice a day and also scraping your tongue every day properly.

Because of Dry mouth

This happens because during the sleep when you sleep the production of saliva stops, and saliva helps you in maintaining the oral health. This generally happens in the sleep and will lead to bad breath. This happens when you open your mouth and sleep, so it is advised to not.

Due to cancer

Due to cancer, the metabolism in the body becomes weak, and then this will lead to bad breath. The functions of the body get completely disturbed and then will be one main cause of bad breath. Even chronic reflex in the stomach produced by acids will lead to bad breath. So it is always advised to stay healthy and take care of your body.

Few Medications

Few medications also contribute in the bad breath; they release chemicals in your body which will produce bad breath. Few medicines also help in the occurrence of dry mouth which is the one main cause of bad breath.

No Smoking

Smoking has always been a negative to health because it surely kills. Smoking creates its own unpleasant mouth odor and this will lead to bad breath. Smokers are also much prone to be suffering from gum diseases, which will lead to bad breath. So If you’re a man who smokes a pack a day, then you have to take care of yourself. Generally, passive smokers suffer a lot, so imagine the condition of the active smoker, question yourself.

Crashing your Diets

When you don’t have a proper food intake then you’ll be more prone to have a bad breath. This is because when you don’t eat anything for a long time, the body will release some chemicals called ketones which will generally act with food and help in digestion. But when you don’t eat anything, then these chemicals break down and they’ll be one main cause for bad breath.

Alcohol and Large consumption of Vitamin Supplements.

Drinking alcohol and consuming large amounts of vitamin supplements are the main cause of bad breath. So, avoid them drinking alcohol in order to freshen your breath and on consuming large quantities of vitamin supplements, they will lead to dry mouth and hence it will lead to bad breath.

How to Get rid of Bad Breath Permanently- Home Remedies

The home remedies for bad breath are not big tasks to be followed they are few simple tips which will help you in bad breath cure. Let us briefly discuss the bad breath remedies in detail now.

Dental Hygiene

Brushing your teeth twice a day will help you in the removal of bacteria in your mouth, and won’t help the bacterial development in your mouth.

Drinking more water

Increase Water Intake

This will help you to freshen the breath, morning breath. Drink plenty of water, cool water is recommended.

Eat lots of citrus fruits

Citrus Fruits

Fruits play an important role in maintaining a person’s health, they have got many nutrients which will provide many benefits to our health. So by eating citrus fruits, they give flavor to your tongue and stimulate the salivary glands which will help in the bad breath cure or fight against bad breath.

Replace your toothbrush every two months and scrape your tongue every day in the morning properly.

Chewing herbal leaves


Chewing Tulasi, basil, mint or cilantro leaf will help in the fight against bad breath and will neutralize the bad odors and they also provide you with good health benefits.

Baking soda

Baking Soda

Mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a cup of water and have it, it will change the PH levels and fight against the odors which will help in the bad breath cure. All the bad breath remedies are simple and can be easily followed.



Peppermints also play an important role in the bad breath cure, they have some mint flavor which avoid the cough-cold. But also they stimulate the salivary glands when we eat them, and this will help in the fight with bad breath and dominates the odor in the mouth.

Clove, Fennel seeds, and Aniseeds

Funnel Seeds & cloves


Chew a handful of cloves, fennel or aniseeds. They have anti-microbial qualities which fight against the bacteria which is the main cause of bad breath. So eating them will help in bad breath cure and also for removing the bad odors.

How to cure bad breath? Bad breath cure

Even if you consult a doctor, he will tell you the same. He will ask you to follow the home remedies for bad breath. It is not a permanent disease; the bacterial contents grow every day which helps in the bad breath problem. So cleaning off your tongue every day and brushing your teeth properly is the best bad breath remedy.

Prevention is better than cure- How to prevent Bad breath?

Let us briefly discuss the preventive measures for bad breath in the following. In order to keep your breath fresh, you have to give up smoking and also reduce your alcohol consumption because they’re the main causes of bad breath. Stop drinking coffee, it also helps you a lot in avoiding bad breath.

  • Drink more water to maintain fresh breath and this will also help in salivary glands not to become dry.
  • Cut down the sugar content and drinks because they help in the growth of bacteria in your mouth, which will lead to bad breath.
  • Always chewing a gum or peppermint is advised at it will give a task to salivary glands and the mouth doesn’t become dry and also will help you in cleaning your mouth after your meal.
  • Always wash your mouth after having a meal which will clean up the food particles stuck in your teeth. Avoid eating strongly flavored food and spicy food, they’ll also lead to bad breath. So if you follow these healthy home remedies for bad breath, you can easily get rid of the bad breath.

It is not chronic one, so not really needed to worry. Just follow our tips for bad breath cure and stay healthy.

What did we learn from the article?

With this article, we are clear about the causes of bad breath and also home remedies for bad breath. We have clearly understood the concept of, how to get rid of bad breath?

So by following the listed out bad breath remedies, we can easily have bad breath cure. So remain healthy and stay happy because health is the key to happiness in life, you won’t know the value of health until you lose it. Only after you lose it, you realize how precious is health in your life.


The causes of the bad breath have been mentioned above, it is not a serious disease but you have to follow some remedies for bad breath for bad breath cure. Have a good dental hygiene and follow the bad breath remedies mentioned above and we are also clear about how to get rid of bad breath with this. Never take chances especially at your health case, sometimes being health conscious is good for you and also your surroundings. So take care of your health and make sure you’re always away from diseases. Good luck!