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Is Toothpaste Good For Pimples? – Know When It Works And When It May Cause Harm!

Hydrogen Peroxide

It sounded really crazy and weird for me when I first came across this remedy of using toothpaste for pimples! But is toothpaste really good for pimples? How many times have you heard your friends and peers suggest you use toothpaste for a pimple that has shown up unexpectedly?

Is toothpaste good for pimples

If you have taken a step back before directly jumping into the action of squeezing some toothpaste out of the tube and applying it over the acne, you have done it right! Here is everything you need to know whether toothpaste really works for pimples.

Table of contents
Is Toothpaste Good for Pimples?
Toothpaste – One Best Temporary Remedy for the Non-Sensitive Skin!
Caution – When Should You Not Apply Toothpaste for Pimples?
How About Overnight Pimple Treatment?
How to Apply Toothpaste on Pimples Overnight?
Other Best Ways – How to Use Toothpaste for Pimples
How to Use Toothpaste for Blackheads?
Ingredients present in toothpaste? How does toothpaste help pimples?

Is Toothpaste Good For Pimples?

Does toothpaste help pimples? Toothpaste can definitely make a pimple disappear but applying toothpaste on pimple is for sure not a permanent solution to your acne problem. Because toothpaste does not heal the acne internally! But toothpaste for pimple is like an emergency remedy that works the best to resolve your major problem of getting rid of the pimple.

It is the ingredients present in the toothpaste that makes your pimple dry and roll off making the acne treatment much easier but applying toothpaste on pimple may cause irritation to your skin. (only if you bear a sensitive type of skin).

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Toothpaste – One Best Temporary Remedy For The Non-Sensitive Skin!

If your skin is not really sensitive, using toothpaste for pimples is the best way to go! Acne is always there to make the situation worse because they pop up suddenly out of the blue only when you have to attend an important date or a significant event.

It is during such needy situations that toothpaste comes to your rescue. So, a one-time application to get rid of the acne problem is the situation where toothpaste comes into the picture.

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Caution – When Should You Not Apply Toothpaste For Pimples?

Acne can show up due to various reasons! It could be the pollution, hormonal imbalance or your stress levels. One or two acne may seem annoying but are not at all a problem.

They are not really harmful and it is usually an indication that they are quick to disappear.

But if you have been suffering from a severe condition of acne(1), I would definitely not suggest using toothpaste to get rid of pimples of such complex degree as it may worsen the condition.

As I have mentioned it earlier, if your skin type is sensitive (a type of skin that flares up with redness very easily), you must avoid using toothpaste for pimples as this will further aggravate the condition and cause redness and inflammation after your pimple gets dried up.

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How About Overnight Pimple Treatment?

If you are desperately looking for ways to hide your pimples and marks, using toothpaste on pimples is the simplest and effective tip that I can suggest you follow! Having lived and grown in your skin for these many years, you will know the texture of your skin and the level of endurance it can withstand.

So, overnight pimple treatment can be effective if your skin type is not sensitive.

In fact, I was surprised to know that toothpaste works the best for blackheads too! But, before knowing how to use toothpaste for blackheads, let us know how to apply toothpaste on pimples overnight.

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How To Apply Toothpaste On Pimples Overnight?

  • Wash your face with a face wash or a soap that is gentle on your skin. Make sure you do not rub the soap much harsh on to your pimple.
  • Just a fine and gentle movement of your fingers with a very slight pressure is enough to cleanse the dirt from your acne.
  • To protect your acne from being ruptured, you can wait until the water droplets and moisture evaporate by itself instead of using a cloth or a towel to rub your face after a facewash.
  • Squeeze the paste on to your finger and gently rub this on to your pimple.
  • Let it remain overnight. You will see the pimple getting dried up as soon as you wake up.
  • Splash some water on it and use a cotton to rub off the paste that still remains in and around the pimple.
  • Cleanse with soap and pat dry.
  • Do not panic if you see any redness or irritation. You can soothe your pimple by applying Aloe-Vera gel on your skin since it has excellent cooling properties.

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Other Best Ways – How To Use Toothpaste For Pimples

1. Fuller’s Earth And Toothpaste

Multani mitti or fuller’s earth is especially used for acne prone skin and it can soothe your infected acne. You can make the best use of toothpaste by adding little quantities of this in fullers’ earth and apply it on the acne.

Fuller's Earth And Toothpaste

Ingredients Required
  • Fuller’s earth – One tablespoon
  • Toothpaste – One teaspoon
  • Lime juice – As much required to form a smooth paste
How To Apply?

Mix the ingredients well and apply this mixture on those areas where acne have shown up. Leave it for forty-five minutes to one hour and rinse it off with cold water.

2. Toothpaste With Baking Soda

Apart from containing anti-bacterial properties, baking soda also helps in skin whitening by removing tan. You can make use of baking soda along with toothpaste to get rid of pimples

Toothpaste With Baking Soda

Ingredients Required
  • Baking soda – Half teaspoon
  • Toothpaste – One teaspoon
  • Rose water – One tablespoon or as much required to form a paste
How To Apply?

Squeeze the toothpaste into baking soda and add rose water to this to form a smooth paste. Apply this on the acne and let it remain for half an hour. Wash this with lukewarm water and pat dry.

3. Salt And Toothpaste

The purpose of using salt along with toothpaste to treat acne is that salt helps in a deep cleansing of skin pores and helps you get rid of bacterial infections that have caused the emergence of acne. Also, both the ingredients are always handy and readily available.

salt And Toothpaste

Ingredients Required
  • Toothpaste – One tablespoon
  • Salt – half teaspoon
  • You can add water if you wish to turn the mixture into a smooth paste.
How To Apply?

Mix the ingredients well and apply the paste on the pimple. You can leave this overnight and rinse it off next day in the morning.

4. Aloe-Vera With Toothpaste

Using Aloe-Vera for pimples can reduce the itchiness and irritation that can be caused due to the chemical properties of a toothpaste since Aloe-Vera is a natural cooling agent. If you feel your skin is too sensitive to withstand the impact of toothpaste, you can use Aloe-Vera to the paste before applying it.

Aloe-Vera With Toothpaste

Ingredients Required
  • Toothpaste – One tablespoon
  • Aloe-Vera – Half tablespoon
How To Apply?

Mix both the ingredients and use your finger to gently rub the mixture on the affected area. Rinse it off with lukewarm water after letting the paste properly sink into your skin for one hour.

5. Lemon Juice/Orange Juice With Toothpaste

Citrus fruits have antiseptic properties which make them work the best for acne breakouts and zits. Combining toothpaste with such effective agents can enhance the healing properties of the remedy. Here is how to make the best use of toothpaste and citrus fruits.

Lemon Juice or Orange Juice With Toothpaste

Ingredients Required
  • Lime juice or orange juice – Half teaspoon
  • Toothpaste – One tablespoon
How To Apply?

Take a tablespoon of toothpaste in a bowl and squeeze half slice of a lemon or orange juice into the bowl. Mix both the ingredients and use a cotton ball to dab the mixture onto your acne and let it become dry. Wash it off with water and pat dry.

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How To Use Toothpaste For Blackheads?

Not many of us know that toothpaste can also be used to get rid of blackheads! If you a have tried various home remedies to get rid of blackheads but still could not find an appropriate way to remove the never leaving blackheads on your nose, here is how to use toothpaste to make your nose look nice and clear.

1. Scrub Your Nose With Honey And Sugar

Since blackheads are stubborn, applying face masks directly on them would not yield the desired result. They are to be rubbed and exposed to a certain degree of harsh treatment!

Scrub Your Nose With Honey And Sugar

Scrub Before You Apply Toothpaste For The Best Result!

Thanks to some of the best ingredients. You will not have to experience the pain that arises due to the parlor treatment. Sugar and honey are some of the ingredients you can use to scrub your nose.

  • Cleanse your nose with a soap that works the best and the one which is compatible with your skin type. Add one teaspoon of sugar into one tablespoon of honey and mix the quantities well.
  • Use your fingers to scrub the mixture on to your nose such that you can feel the rough impact of the sugar granules on your nose.
  • Continue to scrub for five to six minutes and let the mixture remain on your nose for another five minutes.
  • Rinse your nose with water and pat dry with a clean cloth.

Apply Any One Of The Following Nose Masks After Scrubbing!

1. Toothpaste And Egg White

Egg whites can effectively tighten your skin pores and your blackheads can get squeezed out once the nose pack is dried and removed. Adding toothpaste to this can show the best result.

Toothpaste And Egg White

Ingredients Required
  • Toothpaste – One tablespoon
  • Egg white – One tablespoon
How To Apply?

Blend both the ingredients properly in a bowl and apply a fine layer of the mixture over your nose. You can use a long-haired brush (not a toothbrush) to apply the mixture.

Leave the mixture for one hour or until it gets completely dried up. You can either wash your nose or use your fingers to scrub so that blackheads get squeezed out.

2. Toothpaste And Lemon Juice

Lemon juice helps in reducing the blemishes and dark spots. It works much effectively for the removal of blackheads and acne breakouts.

Toothpaste And Lemon Juice

Ingredients Required
  • Toothpaste – One tablespoon
  • Lime juice – One teaspoon
How To Apply?

Squeeze the lime juice into the toothpaste and mix the quantities well. Apply a thick coating over your nose and rest for one hour. Rinse it off with water and apply a suitable moisturizing lotion to your nose.

Note – Do not forget to scrub your nose with sugar and honey before using the above ingredients for an effective blackhead removal.

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Ingredients Present In Toothpaste – How Does Toothpaste Help Pimples?

Using toothpaste for pimples might sound weird because toothpaste is not in any way a beauty product! But, there is nothing wring in knowing whether it works for your skin type may help you get rid of some major problems like acne!

Here are all the ingredients present in acne and how they help in acne removal.

1. Baking Soda

Baking Soda

The reason why your pimple might become dry after using toothpaste as the remedy for acne is the presence of baking soda in it.

Baking soda contains anti-bacterial properties that reduce the intensity of the infection and cleanses all the dead skin cells from your skin.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide

This chemical is usually an antiseptic that works effectively for exfoliating your skin and clears all kinds of scars and acne.

3. Menthol


If acne has been causing you pain, applying toothpaste on it can reduce the aching sensation because of the menthol present in toothpaste that gives you a cooling effect.

4. Essential Oils

Essential Oils

If your skin is too oily, the essential oils can help in maintaining a balanced pH so that your oily skin does not result in the formation of clogged pores. Essential oils present in toothpaste may not have a big impact but they will for sure soothe your hurting acne.

5. Triclosan

The body washes, lotions, facial creams and other beauty products that you use on a daily basis contain this ingredient which has anti-bacterial properties and work the best for skin infections.

Good news is that toothpaste is also added with this ingredient called triclosan(2) which is why using toothpaste for pimples can yield the desired result!

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That is a lot of information to let you know whether to use toothpaste for pimples, but if I were to give you a perfect solution to get rid of pimples, I would suggest you know the exact cause of your acne first and then try to work on eradicating the cause instead of using toothpaste for an instant treatment!

The most common causes may include

  1. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  2. Immense stress levels
  3. Hormonal imbalances 
  4. Unhygienic conditions
  5. Excessive sebum secretion

Gaining a perfect understanding of the problem, a regular exercise, maintaining a proper hygiene and keeping yourself hydrated can give no chance for acne to appear on your skin as these tips can eradicate all the causes of acne!

Bottom line

Toothpaste is of course not a kind of product that has been manufactured to solve skin problems. So, using toothpaste for pimple definitely sounds bizarre!

But you can still follow this as one of those smartest beauty hacks that help you get rid of the problem because you are lucky enough to find some of the best ingredients inside the toothpaste that actually help pimples.

You can also try mixing it with other ingredients to make use of this for blackheads treatment!