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Recipes of Sea Plant – Benefits of Seaweed with Rare Nutrition

Have you ever known the sea plants that boost your health productivity more than the soil plants? Here’s the most nutritious part that’s found in the deep layers of water is seaweed. It never compromises to provide a healthy diet for the people who eat it. This multicellular and water plant takes its origin in the oceans and lakes starting its root from the base. Though, there are many other foods that value themselves, the health benefits of seaweed gets hold of rich nutrients that adds a weight to the body in terms of nutrients. What makes it special? Well, seaweed vitamins and minerals in a regular diet detach deficiency and keep you stable on the ground without any health effects. The marine plant shapes up with leaf-like-flattened structure and attaches to the rock or other algae.

Benefits of Seaweed - A Marine Plant Nutrition in Your Diet

The two engines that drive seaweed plant are sea water – a rich source of minerals, and enough sunlight falls on it helping in the process of photosynthesis. Japanese people are consuming the seaweed from the past 1500 years with fish or other marine foods.

Seaweed Types:

The uniqueness of many products is their types and the types will make an interesting factor to study about them and to have a bite! Let us now look into the core types of Seaweed.

Brown Algae or Phaeophyceae

Brown Algae or Phaeophyceae

The location of this type of seaweed supplements will be available in the colder part of the regions and play a crucial role to their habitats. Brown algae species counts to 1500-2000 overall the world. Heterokontophyta is what this family belongs to and outer shells have chloroplasts with four membranes.

Red Algae or Rhodophyta

Red Algae or Rhodophyta

Being the oldest, it comes under the family tree of eukaryotic algae and 7000 species are identified out of which, 5% is found in fresh waters. These are more likely to be found in environments of sulphuric or acidic. These are formed in the deep waters and grow with less sunlight. The difference in color is observed due to the variation of light.

Green Seaweed or Codium Fragile

Green Seaweed or Codium Fragile

This takes the form of dark green and yellow colors with tube-like fingered structure rising to 3 feet. During photosynthesis process, development of air bubbles takes place. These originate in fresh water and salt water lakes.

The types of seaweed and seaweed benefits ensure to keep the bodily temperature and diseases away as they’re saline-vitamin-enriched algae. Although, the seaweed diet is limited as over consumption could lead to other health issues.

Health Benefits of Seaweed:

Ever had seaweed diet? If yes, then you’re having a perfect diet. If no, start feeding seaweed supplements to your body. Over the years the seaweed specialized in its own way to the people. The specialty of this nutritious health food is the nutritious content.

Seaweeds vitamins weigh about 36% of its total mass and these include Iodine, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Vitamin C and A, Protein, Vitamin B, Fiber, and alpha linoleic acid, EPA, and Polysaccharides. Now let’s travel into the core of these minerals to find out what they can do to our body.

Alpha Linoleic Acid

ALA is found in many plants and is an essential acid in our body to improve the functioning of digestive system and liver. This Omega-3 fatty acid influences on:

Bowel Affliction

Disorders or pains in bowels due to deficiency of Omega-3 can be healed and are efficient benefits of seaweed with this acid.  The disorders in bowel movements could be Crohn’s disease, ovarian cyst or any injuries that impact bowels. In this case, seaweed diet heals it so effectively.

Irregularities in Cardiovascular

Foods enriched with this acid to be taken as they result in lowering fatal heart risks. The high blood pressure in one’s body pave the way to hyper tension, this can be minimized with this ALA.


Vitamin-B has sub-vitamins in it that envelope us with lots of health benefits and seaweed diet integrates these. The sub-vitamins in vitamin-B include Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid & Niacin – energy enhancement for cells; B6 – helps in the formation of red blood cells and the best is seaweed supplement.

Seaweed for skin is supported by Biotin, a B-vitamin compound. Also, the other benefits of seaweed through this vitamin include hair loss treatment and nail infections. Folic acid gains the wealth by the fetal development reducing the defects of the neural tube during pregnancy.

The energy in the blood cells is acquired through Vitamin B12. This vitamin enhances the nervous system.


Conversion of foods into energy is done by the Iodine. The percentage of Iodine in the thyroid gland is 60. It regulates the fat in the body and prevents constipation.

Metabolic rate

The rate of metabolism advances the functioning of body’s regular processes. Iodine also regulates blood pressure and this is one among the other benefits of seaweed.


The rise of conflicts during pregnancy such as fetal disorders and infant growth will be optimized with a good supply of Iodine to the body.

Concreting Immune System

Being an antioxidant, Iodine fights against the diseases and strengthens the immune system. Also, serves to reduce the weight and balances your digestive system.


In recent days, thyroid is the most common problem to many individuals and are suffering with it. Iodine supplements to the body through seaweeds help from the occurrence of thyroidism.

Eliminates Toxicity

Sometimes we consume few foods those generate toxic chemicals within the body. Seaweed is an iodized food that prevents the generation of toxic chemicals and in case they are generated, iodine eliminates them from the body.

Vitamin A & C

Benefits of seaweed craft our physique with vitamins A & C those help us in regaining skin and hair health. The connective tissues will get repaired by this vitamin A & C which is excessive in seaweed and benefits of seaweed.

Proteins, Fiber, and EPA

Proteins are the antibodies and form a long chain within the body in order to resist from various bacteria. In addition to this, proteins act as a transmission layer to get coordinated with processes happen. Seaweed adds a tough protein to our internal organs to procure health.

Fiber prohibits the diseases acting on digestive system or enters into this part. What can’t seaweed can do!

EPA – Eicosapentaenoic acid. This content is excessive in the marine foods that minimize the risks of Heart attacks and Lung diseases.

We looked into the various minerals and proteins that seaweed consists of and its benefits for the skin. The other health benefits of seaweed intake as raw or sun dried include:

  • The 20% of protein is present in green algae whereas Spirulina with 70%.
  • Vitamin C in seaweed supplementary dominates from that of oranges.
  • The presence of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-viral increments its specialty to consider in the diet.
  • Even though there are many plants, benefits of seaweed in the diet involves high calcium.
  • Diabetes and heart-related diseases can be prohibited by the presence of polysaccharides in the seaweeds.

The seaweeds serves as the best food of marine and mostly topped in the cooking of seafood. The tasty marine food with seaweed toppings adds a fabulous and delicious taste to our mouth. This mouth-watering recipe makes one enjoy the taste of it.

Seaweed is topped in the sushi food and the smell magnetizes the people who want to eat.

Benefits of seaweed and significance implant to our body aiding many of internal and external parts of the body. Let’s see what it is up to.

Significance in aiding Digestive System

The probability of usage of seaweed in functional foods – going to act as an ingredient in organic and white bread foods. This seaweed moderates the digestion process slows down the process of release of energy. The digestive system can’t tolerate if bacteria enters into it as we consume varieties of food which results to stomach ache. Seaweed cleanses your stomach by the minerals present in it.

Perfectly Nutritious

The study by British Journal of Nutrition says that it is excessive in nutrients than calories. Japanese individuals use this in salads and soups and maintaining their body neither fat nor lean. Nutritious weeds help in gaining weight as well as losing weight based on the recipe you’re making.

Healthy Heart

Heart Protection

The heart is responsible for the survival of this body. A Kyoto University research exclaims that the seaweeds help in controlling blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. Lowers cholesterol and removes homocysteine – a chemical that’s responsible for heart failure. Have a healthy heart and increase your years of living to enjoy.


The pulp of marine nutrition seaweed excludes free radicals from the body which is termed as detoxification. Best with anti-oxidant properties, the health benefits of seaweed will eliminate free radicals.

Balances Hormones

There may be a chance of improper hormone production within the body. Especially for women, during menstruation cycles and pregnancy, the hormone production gets controlled escaping the occurrence of ovarian cyst.

Universal Tonic

The smoky flavored seaweed is used in soups as we mentioned earlier. Making tasty seaweed chips would supplement your body with high doses of minerals. Making bones hard and strong with calcium in it and the swelling in any part gets minimized.

Seaweed recipes:

The elaboration on seaweed diets, types and health care has been discussed. The various recipes you can use with this nutritious and mineral oriented diet are mentioned in the coming lines.

Seaweed with Cucumber

The taste gets diluted in your mouth with every bite of cucumber-seaweed salad and a delicious taste dances on your tongue and tummy asks for more with crusty cucumber.

Salad with Nori

Nori is a type of seaweed that’s dried in the sun and the more nutrition equipped into the body during lunch or dinner or supper time. The taste makes you cling to it by adding medicinal properties.

A Sunflower Recipe

Tossed with pumpkin and sunflower with no meat is folded by an addition of dried seaweed. The healthy salad vegetarian gym recipe gets the hold of vegetarians.

Seaweed Omelet

The rolled seaweed in the middle with an omelet surrounded is healthy to have it in the breakfast as we fasten ourselves to work; this generates enthusiasm and clear mind to be active on whole day

Hot Dogs

The seaweed supplements in hot dog make it even tastier and the snack item with marine plant topping boosts one’s mood by having a crunchy bite.


Home makers or chefs, prepare seaweed chips in a moment of time to enjoy the taste of it!

These are the most preferred salads, soups, and dishes that could be made with seaweed. Most unique, most variable salads and soups can be made out with this tasty marine plant that adds a great sense of taste and health.

The overall health benefits of seaweed are equal to many veg and non-veg foods as they integrated with few rare minerals and vitamins; most of them with much of these minerals. Maintain the fitness of your body and hang out with family and friends with this awful marine plant. Have a seaweed diet and regain your health.