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Health Benefits of Cheese – Not Just for Seasoning But for a Reasonable Health Also!

One delicious ingredient that immediately melts on your tongue causing you an adrenaline rush throughout your body, wanting you to have more and more is Cheese. Here are some amazing health benefits of cheese that you are going to discover throughout the journey of this article but you might as well restrain yourself from being tempted because you might want to immediately have a spoonful to appease your taste buds.

Health Benefits of Cheese

When the photographer yells “Say cheese”, you would all instantly want to smile so that the photographer captures it to fix it in a single frame that remains a sweet memory which we would like to cherish for decades together. Yes, the same catch-line brings an instant smile on my face too but, the reason behind it me being a cheese lover!

Table Of Contents

Does Cheese Cause Belly Fat?

Yes, it does.

Does Cheese Help in Weight Loss Too?

Yes, very much!

If your mind has been fed and nourished with one single thought that, cheese makes you fat, it’s time for you to change your perception because there are numerous health benefits of cheese that you need to get acknowledged with and will make you want to include more cheese in your diet hereby.

Cheese is ultimately prepared out of one single dairy product which is milk, but there are many interesting varieties of cheese that you are going to learn about in this article.

Cheese Nutrition Facts – Is Cheese Good For Health?

If food has caused any suffering or torment, it is probably because it has been overly consumed than the permitted limits. Nevertheless, food can never cheat on you unless you cheat on it. The same implies to cheese. Including little quantities in your diet can never cause you any harm, but the real problem arises if you consume cheese in excess amounts.

Consuming around 28 grams of cheese per day is never going to cause you any health problems but exceeding these limits can cause you some complications like an increase in belly fat and accumulation of cholesterol.

Read on to know more about cheese nutrition facts, and some amazing health benefits of cheese because including cheese in your diet is quite an easy task. You just have to grate and shower some cheese on to your courses.

Vitamins In Cheese

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps in improving the eyesight, helps in proper functioning of heart, lungs, kidneys, strengthens the immune system and improves reproduction capacity. You can include cheese in your diet to obtain clean and clear skin.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Including proper amounts of Vitamin B2 in your diet will help in proper functioning of hormones, will help in improving eye vision, helps in maintaining healthy skin and help in decreasing inflammation.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 contains anti-oxidants that will help in eliminating free radicals present in your body which are the main reasons for cell destruction leading to a weakened immune system.

Vitamin B12 (Cynacoblamaine)

Vitamin B12

This vitamin helps in the synthesis of DNA, helps in providing a good heart health, helps in maintaining a good nervous system, helps in the production of red blood cells, helps in good bone health, helps you in keeping energetic and alive.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin B1 helps in improving the memory, aids in good digestion, and boosts the energy levels. It also helps in protection of nerves thereby enhancing the functionality of the nervous system.

Vitamin B1

It is to be noted that, thiamine is present only in little amounts in American cheese, cheddar cheese, and mozzarella cheese.

Calcium in Cheese

Since cheese is cultivated from dairy products, it is not surprising to know that cheese contains considerable amounts of calcium in it. It is said that 100 grams of cheese contain approximately 721mg of calcium in it.

Calcium in Cheese

Apart from improving bone strength, calcium helps in clotting of our blood, improving our dental health, and also helps in proper contraction of our muscles.



Having considerable amounts of cheese helps in faster wound healing, increasing your hair volume. It also enhances your tasting and smelling senses, helps in resolving infertility problems and helps in early maturation and provides you with good cardiovascular health.

Not all kinds of cheese but cheddar cheese and Ricotta cheese contain zinc in little amounts.


Phosphorous is important for maintaining a strong bone health and a strong dental health and also helps to boost your energy levels.

Proteins In Cheese

Out of all the types of cheese available, parmesan cheese contains the highest number of proteins. If you are someone who hates consuming milk, you can instead include cheese in your diet so that you acquire the required number of proteins.

If you are looking for the best cheese that has the highest number of proteins, the following list includes the order of cheese in accordance to the number of proteins in each variety from the highest to the lowest

  • Parmesan cheese
  • Romano cheese
  • Low-fat Swiss cheese
  • Low-fat cheddar
  • Non-fat mozzarella
  • Goat cheese
  • Regular mozzarella
  • Blue cheese
  • Ricotta
  • Cottage cheese

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8 Health Benefits Of Cheese

1. Do You Know That Cheese Is Good For Your Heart?

Do You Know That Cheese Is Good For Your Heart

If you deny any food that contains cheese, only because you feel that cheese is not healthy for the heart, you are probably in a false notion. Consuming around 40 grams of cheese per day can prevent you from being susceptible to various cardiovascular diseases up to 18 %.

It is time for you to include cheese in your daily diet because, people who consume cheese daily, are less likely to suffer from heart strokes.

Various researches have proved that consuming cheese on a daily basis can make you less susceptible to various coronary heart diseases.

You just have to be careful while choosing the variety of cheese that you are going to include because, only cottage cheese and mozzarella cheese are said to contain a fewer number of calories and lesser percentages of saturated fats when compared to other types of cheese.

2. Cheese For Kidney Stones

Cheese For Kidney Stones

If you are wondering how cheese helps people with kidney stones, here is a perfect answer for why you need to consume enough amounts of calcium to prevent kidney stones.

Kidney stones are usually caused because of the rise in oxalate levels which ultimately results in the formation of kidney stones.

It is pretty much evident that cheese is enriched with good amounts of calcium because cheese is one of the dairy products and dairy products contain 82 milligrams of calcium for every 100 grams.

Though kidney stones so minor that they can be measured only in the terms of some micrograms, once they are formed, they can cause immense trouble and pain. Therefore, to prevent the formation of kidney stones, and keep yourself from away from experiencing the trauma, you can invite calcium into your body, by consuming cheese on a daily basis. What could be more delicious than consuming the most delicious form of dairy products?

3. Cheese For Fair Skin And Great Hair Volume

Cheese For Fair Skin And Great Hair Volume

Acquiring a great glowing skin free of blemishes and a smooth lustrous hair in great volumes is a dream for many. Cheese contains vitamin B which helps in providing a smooth skin texture, and the protein content in cheese helps in increasing your hair volume to a great extent.

You can particularly include parmesan, Romano and low-fat cheddar cheese and non-fat mozzarella cheese in your diet to obtain proteins in lump sum amounts.

4. Cheese for Strong Bones

Cheese for Strong Bones

Most of us suffer from low bone weight, which makes us easily susceptible to osteoporosis. People having feeble bones, when subjected to minor injuries can easily experience fractures, because of their lower bone strength.

Cheese contains good amounts of calcium and vitamin D, both of which are excellent in providing good bone strength.

You can include a delicious cheesecake in your diet, or you could instead prepare a freshly baked pizza at your home and give it a perfect savoury touch by adding mozzarella cheese to it.

You can include cheese in your sandwiches or freshly cooked lasagnas, and savour them as your evening snack.

5. Have You Ever Heard Of Good Bacteria In Cheese?

Have You Ever Heard Of Good Bacteria In Cheese

If you haven’t ever heard of probiotics, you will be amazed to know that, probiotics are those tiny microorganisms that will help you in maintaining a good digestive system, and therefore this kind of bacteria are known as good bacteria.

Probiotics help you in the maintenance of a good and healthy gut, and it feels glad to know that cheese carries this kind of bacteria.

As your digestive system is clean and healthy, you will not be susceptible to any kinds of illness or diseases. Therefore, including cheese in your diet can help in boosting your immune system!

6. Cheese to Cure Insomnia

Cheese to Cure Insomnia

Cheese contains an important amino acid called tryptophan, that helps in the making of vitamin B, and serotonin that helps in regulating your sleep levels.

The more are the levels of tryptophan, more is the amount of serotonin production which will help in making you sleep better.

If you have been suffering from insomnia, you can include cheese in your diet, that will help in proper regulation of your sleep cycle, thereby preventing insomnia.

7. Cheese for Diabetes

Cheese for Diabetes

Most of the people suffering from type-2 diabetes suffer from obesity. Losing weight has a direct positive impact on reducing diabetes and consuming cheese definitely helps in weight loss.

You need to understand that foods containing less glycaemic index result in a slower rise of glucose levels in the blood. Cheese is one such food that helps in a slow rise of blood sugar levels, which is why consuming considerable amounts of cheese per day can help in reducing the impact of diabetes.

Keeping an account of the above-mentioned numerous health benefits of cheese, you can afford to consume cheese on a daily basis, but at the same time, make sure that you do not consume cheese in excess amounts.

8. Best Cheese For Weight Loss? You Can Check The Saturated Fats And Decide It For Yourself!

If you are looking forward to losing weight, you must note that not all kinds of cheese help in weight loss. You have to be particular and choose the following varieties of cheese which will account to best cheese for weight loss, keeping in mind various health benefits of cheese.

Best Cheese For Weight Loss

The following types of cheese have been given with the percentage of saturated fats, amount of calories and cholesterol present in them, by going through which, you can decide which cheese is the best cheese for weight loss. The lesser the percentage of saturated fats, the best it works for weight loss.

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Which Cheese is Best for Weight Loss?

Here are the four common varieties of cheese. Check the nutritional facts to know which cheese is the best for weight loss!

Cottage Cheese Nutrition Facts

Cottage Cheese Nutrition

  • 100 grams of cottage cheese contains
  • 98 calories
  • 8% saturated fats (1.7 grams)
  • 5% cholesterol (17milli grams)

Apart from this, cottage cheese contains phosphorous, selenium, sodium, vitamin B12, Riboflavin, calcium and folate.

Parmesan Cheese Nutrition Facts

Parmesan Cheese Nutrition

  • 100 grams of Parmesan cheese contains
  • 431 calories
  • 85% saturated fats (17 grams)
  • 29% cholesterol (88 milligrams)

Read More: How to Gain Weight Naturally Through Foods

Cheddar Cheese Nutrition Facts

Cheddar Cheese Nutrition

  • 100 grams of cheddar cheese contains
  • 402 calories
  • 104% saturated fats (21 grams)
  • 35% cholesterol (105 milligrams)

Read More: How Cheddar Cheese Useful in Military Diet Plan

Mozzarella Cheese Nutrition Facts

Mozzarella Cheese Nutrition

  • 100 grams of Mozzarella cheese contains
  • 280 calories
  • 55% saturated fats (11 grams)
  • 18% cholesterol (54 milligrams)

From the above cheese nutrition facts, it is evident that cottage cheese and mozzarella cheese contain fewer calories and saturated fats, why is why we can recommend you these two types as the best cheese for weight loss, apart from considering numerous health benefits of cheese.

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What Happens When You Consume Excess?

A daily consumption of cheese in limited amounts would not really cause any side effects. In fact, you would obtain all the above mentioned health benefits of cheese if you decide not to consume 28 grams of cheese per day!

But, if you feel that you cannot control yourself from being tempted, here is what can happen to you if you consume cheese in excess!

  1. Lactose Intolerance – Our body needs an enzyme called lactase to break down lactose present in dairy products for an easy digestion. If you are lactose intolerant, you may experience symptoms like stomach pain, bloating, nausea and discomfort. Try avoiding cheese if you experience such symptoms.
  2. Sensitive towards Amine – Some people are sensitive towards a component present in foods such as chocolates, wine and citrus fruits. If you are sensitive to amine, you may experience symptoms like rashes on the skin, severe headaches and a sudden rise in blood pressure.
  3. Dairy Allergy – Consumption of cheese is not a suitable option for people suffering from dairy allergy. Unlike lactose intolerance, dairy allergy is related to intolerance towards proteins. Such people may have to avoid milk from any kind of mammalians.

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Different Types of Cheese – The Most Commonly Used Cheese?

Cottage Cheese


Cottage cheese is the most commonly used cheese in lasagnes and pancakes. If you ever feel a need to dash up your courses with cottage cheese, you can easily prepare this type of cheese at your home.

Parmesan Cheese

Parmesan cheese has its roots from Italy, the original name of the cheese being Parmigiano-Reggiano. The cheese has been named after the places from which it has originated, Parma, Reggio Emilia, and Bologna.

Cheddar Cheese – The Story Behind The Accidental Discovery Of Cheddar Cheese

This incident took place nearly 800 years ago when a milkmaid who resided in the nearby caves of cheddar has left the milk in those caves, only to return in the morning and find cheese which has been accidentally formed, since the temperatures were favourable for the formation of cheese.

A constant temperature of seven degrees is very much essential for the preparation of Cheddar cheese, and surprisingly, cheddar which is a place in Southwest England was inhabited with a temperature of seven degrees.

Since the cheese was first formed in the caves of cheddar, it has been named as Cheddar cheese.

Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella cheese is the most commonly used cheese in Pizzas which is made from either cow’s milk or buffalo’s milk. This is the most commonly used cheese in salads and seafood after cheddar cheese.

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